Hi there,
Hope this letter finds you in good spirits.
To begin, I know this letter is too long for some, and won't appeal to everyone, and that's ok, but the full story needs to be told to reach the appropriate people. This letter is for those of us who are prepared to go all the way down the rabbit hole, and have come to similar conclusions about what may lie ahead. But, no worries if it's not for you, not much will change, other than we'll probably interact a little less as this project will take up a lot more of my free time. And If you'd rather not get emails from me, just send a reply email to let me know.
It's been a long time since I wrote anything - Feb 7th 2022 to be exact, with a heads up that something truly drastic was about to happen. And shortly thereafter, martial law was declared in Canada. But since then, honestly, I've not known what to say at such unprecedented times. And really, I still don't have a strong sense of how things play out, but it appears the future of our world as we knew it hangs in the balance. I do see there are some hopeful signs, and I'm observing with amazement, while supporting our tribe and doing what I can to wake up others. Also doing what I must to get by. But, except for what's explained below, I have no new ideas about how to deal with a society gone mad. I have to worry about here and now and what makes the most sense given reality and what I believe we are facing. It seems to be an all out war against God with pure evil having infiltrated almost all of our previously trusted institutions.
It appears that the leadership of our "western world" has evolved (been captured) to become a vast criminal enterprise, hell-bent on killing most of us, and enslaving those that survive. Simply and shockingly, we are living through a survival level attack on humanity, and our freedom loving tribe must win, for everyone's sake. Although bombs are not falling from the sky, we are being attacked in countless other ways, with the same results, and, truth is, we are all in very grave danger.
Even if we can slow the awful agenda that is unfolding and reverse things, thinking people must conclude that much tougher times most likely lie ahead, and those of us who still have critical thinking skills would be wise to act and prepare accordingly while we still can. Our institutions have failed us, we're swimming in lies on multiple levels, and fake news is the norm. And lots of critical systems are highly stressed, with some even close to falling apart. Death rates are skyrocketing, birth rates plummeting, with debt never higher. Nuclear war is a real possibility and our society has never been more divided. Not a good mix. And all by design. We better wake up, face reality, and do something to try to protect ourselves where we live. Our lovely neighbourhood could become a much more dangerous place if things continue to deteriorate. Obviously I hope and pray we never get there, but it is a distinct possibility.
As best as I can reconstruct, everyone receiving this letter was at the original meetups at the June Rowland's park benches, and other similar picnics, protests and events that followed the fall of 2021. A time when, for me, a few dozen complete strangers got together, united mainly by our PPC volunteer status, while being attacked and ostracized by society, including friends and family, for our medical choices. Pure madness we're still living with. An extraordinary time in our world and an amazing series of life altering events for all of us to be sure. Before we came together like that, many of us were quite alone in our suffering, and it felt great to meetup with others of like mind. A sense of hope was restored and new, much more authentic relationships were established. I am extremely grateful for that.
Our first event was excited chaos, everyone talking at once, describing the living hell we were in the midst of - so much to unload and share with complete strangers. Wow! But we liked these kinds of meetups well enough to do it again, and again and again, and newer venues and different meetup events followed. But I think something quite special happened back then in those early days, during the darkest hours. A very real human connection was made among us, something that relatively few humans get to experience at that level.
Yea, sure, some of you no longer attend or participate because things appear to be normalizing (part of their plan), but I know there are other reasons as well. Humans are complicated creatures (especially us fiercely independent freedom lovers) and communications among us can be challenging even sometimes at the best of times. But we also have the ability to rise above the small stuff and do spectacular things together when we commit and put our minds to it. We are a formidable team when we want to be. I believe we owe it to our species to do whatever we can to protect and preserve truth and human freedom. And a big part of that is we've got to make sure we're strong at home first.
At this point in time, I think it's in all of our best interests to reconsider things carefully, and make wise choices for a potentially challenging future event, especially if the parasites follow through with what their own documents reveal - a lights out / internet down, mass chaos scenario where we beg them to save us. Our Enemy is calculating, ruthless and without soul. Pure evil if you will. We must do everything in our power to try to prevent the agenda from succeeding. But how? What more can we do?
First, I think our own reset is required. Let's give everyone on our side another chance, and the benefit of the doubt. Don't sweat the small stuff. We're all on the same team. We must accept that these are absoloutely unprecedented times and everyone is doing the best they know how to get through this, with the level of curiosity, knowledge, know how, understanding and resources they have.
This is an invitation to build something new - our very own special neighbourhood group.
But this time, with conscious intention, a comitment and applied human inteligence.
There's a lot we can do together to help ourselves, strengthen ourselves, and maybe even come up with some powerful ways to help turn things around. Our own little "think tank" if you will.
It's an interesting idea advocated by many great truth analysts like Catherine Austin Fitts, and I believe its worth some effort to start and see where things may go. So far, so good. I am not alone. Others agree this is something we should do, not only for ourselves, but for others as well. We like it here and so will you.
Apologies if this letter seems a bit sentimental, but to me, you guys and gals are all quite special. A remarkable and brave group of souls, and it's been an honour and a privilege to meet and interact with each of you in one way or another, For that reason, I feel I have somewhat of a responsibility to introduce you to the idea of a Small Group Constitution (SGC). A SGC offers us truth and freedom lovers the chance of a fresh new start for our wonderful neighbourhood social group. This would be a voluntary family of sorts, with some real benefits as well as some responsibilities. This kind of value requires a commitment of some kind. It also requires common agreement with who and what we are, and to be a willing participent in the experiment for the project to succeed. I'm sure it will also be a lot of valuable fun. For those of you who remember those dark but beautiful fall afternoons in 2021 or other gatherings with reminiscences, and a sense of the crazy adventure it was, I invite you to consider ...
A lot has happened with this group that I will call the "freedom friends" since our extraordinary beginnings at the absolute worst of times.
In effect, the freedom friends are still around, but our numbers have dwindled. And, for a bunch of us, that's a big shame, because we think it's needed more than ever. Think things are a bit crazy now? Just you wait.
So, these gatherings continue, in spite of some petty squabbles here and there and a general decline in participation. It's too bad though. If we could get past some of the adolescent social stuff, most of us would really enjoy the exchange of ideas and lively debate that we can engage in with like-minded individuals. We gotta be real grownups here for that to happen.
These are all people that live nearby and love freedom as much as we do. People who to various degrees, also recognize the awful predicament we're in.
In my opinion, it's well worth the effort to keep things going, and try to build on what we have. Especially because we're far from out of the woods yet. Seriously. Think about it. If not now, when? There will be no notice when the lights go out.
But real life is much more complicated. Minor disagreements and misunderstandings easily get in the way and muck things up.
So how do we get past that?
It's our greatest weakness.
I'm convinced that smart folks like us can do it, and can build a new kind of strong and resilient "freedom friends" club, where everyone can just be themselves, in a haven of mostly agreeable company, with good conversations and real solutions to our predicament emerging. Deeper conections with neighbours, and a plan of sorts if bad things happen, where everyone is on the same page.
Imagine the immense value such a group would be in the event things get even darker than they've already been. This is for all the marbles, and our enemy is in a dangerous predicament - they either get the controll they want or they die. Don't worry, they will do the things they say. It's just a matter of time.
A big part of the answer is local, and lies in organizing with one's neighbours. To do that, we must first build a Small Group Constitution together, with some simple Rules and a Code of Conduct or Ethics to guide our efforts. This kind of basic structure provides a way for the group to minimize the potential for disagreements or misunderstandings, and maximize our effectiveness.
It gives everyone an equal voice in a structure that can't be easily compromised or controlled or dominated by anyone. Everything is by consent.
The group decides what's most important and what to tackle next, while also enabling deeper connections and greater confidence and trust among us.
Our constitution should be broad enough to capture what unites and motivates us, honouring and empowering the individual, built, agreed, and committed to by all.
Once confidence and trust are established, the rest is easy.
The times to come may very well require high trust, high confidence neighbourhood friends and contacts that can be relied on in troubled times.
So first, we need a way to know that we're all pretty much on the same page, and then agree to commit to working together to make things work. A Small Group Constitution is the way we can make that happen. For example, if we wanted to establish a tennis club, then, no, sorry, you can't play wearing heavy construction boots or a micro thong bikini. Some guidelines are required for things to work well for everyone.
I invite you to revisit the original spirit which brought us all together in the first place. Get involved and help us create an exceptional neighbourhood friendship and support group with real and lasting value. A neighbourhood group for authentic relationships to grow and flourish and answers to our predicament to emerge. There are some very smart and capable people among us. Yes, most of us prep to some degree, but when the SHTF, nearby trusted relationships may be just as valuable as water.
What do you think? Does the following more or less capture what we would be all about? Midtown Freedom Friends (criticism welcomed)
If you have some affinity with what is written at Midtown Freedom Friends, please respond to this email letter, and I'll send you a copy of the latest version of our Small Group Constitution, together with some simple Rules and a Code of Conduct (All are a work in progress and will be updated and completed as the group decides). Nothing is written in stone and everything is open to group agreed change. I am not the leader. It's not my group, it's our group. I am simply one of the developers and the presenter of the "freedom friends" concept. The only thing we ask is that you join us with a privacy focussed email (proton, tutanota etc.) and commit to at least one monthly meetup, as well as following our discussions and activities on an ongoing basis. Ideally, you live in the neighbourhood as well (relatively near to Yonge/St Clair/Davisville/Eglington) but this is not a prerequisite.
In the bigger picture, I believe the concept of a SGC, shared here, could become essential for other folks like us to unite in confidence, organize in larger numbers, and eventually develop a powerful collective response to the madness all around us. But that's perhaps for another time.
Our first meeting will lay the groundwork, with the introduction of the SGC that we all debate and come to consensus before committing to. Subsequent meetings will focus on the topics our members decide and building confidence and trust, while also setting goals around some things we can do to strengthen ourselves and learn to operate as a team.
All will be explained, but essentially, we seek to prepare together while cultivating discussion around the serious issues we face, and gaming out scenarios in which we do our level best to outwit, outplay, and outlast, some so-called “inevitabilities”. There are some very smart and very capable people among us, and when we willingly work together, we'll have a group capable of dealing with all sorts of nasty scenarios that may come our way.
If you find the concept of a Small Group Constitution appealing, let us know as soon as possible and definitely before the end of the year. Our first meeting will be sometime in January 2023, and likely on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon (let us know your preference so we can try to accomodate as many as possible and find a suitable venue).
Please join with me and several other already committed members in this important social experiment.
All who recognize the benefits and value of what we’re trying to achieve are welcome.
Wishing you a wonderful holliday season,
All the best,
Midtown Freedom Friends