Midtown Freedom Friends Small Group Constitution (3rd Draft):

Whereas: We have a Common Understanding about the reality of the situation we find ourselves in, and we all agree that we are living in an unprecedentedly, deeply corrupt, divided, deluded and dangerous world. We have come together to form new relationships with like minded people in our neighbourhood. To form a group for friendship, shared knowledge, mutual support and safety, and to serve our other mutual best interests.

All in our group want to be here, doing what we’re doing. We recognize the value and build on it. We commit to at least one monthly physical meetup, and staying current / active with group communications and interactions at Midtown Freedom Friends.

The name of our Group shall be the Midtown Freedom Friends or MTFF.

The aims of the The MidTown Freedom Friends Group (MTFF) shall be:

- To be respectful, kind, understanding, helpful & honest with each other, work together to solve issues and build our vehicle, to purposely build community with real understanding, knowledge, inclusiveness and authentic trustworthy caring relationships among ourselves.

- To establish Emergency Plans (EP) in the event of some sort of catastrophe.

- To Routinely get together to share and collaborate in various ways, and revise and practice our Emergency Plans - a binding element of our group and also a condition of membership.

- To Democratically establish basic rules as needed, adjust our constitution as required by vote and strive to follow our Code of Conduct / Ethics, for our group to survive and thrive. Where / when we are able, we will help others of like mind do the same.

- To Develop skills, knowledge and materials for self reliance, support alternate parallel systems with integrity, and participate in and support freedom culture.

- To trade and barter with each other, using skills, cash & metals whenever we can.

- To Share info, ideas, expertise & good times with each other. Promote Freedom at every opportunity. Strategize ways we can win this spiritual war. (consider these and other options, vote on core understandings and update the constitution)

1. Group Powers

In order to achieve our goals, the Midtown Freedom Friends may decide to do anything that is lawful which might help the group survive and thrive, including but not limited to

(a) Raise money, (b) Open bank accounts, (c) Buy in bulk together, (d) Take out insurance, (e) Employ staff, (f) Rent or acquire property of any kind,

(g) Organize courses, tutorials, lectures and events (h) Work with other groups. (i) Support & promote freedom oriented publications, politicians and organizations. (j) Raise money to donate to any cause we choose.

2. Membership

(a) Membership in the Freedom Friends shall be open to any person who recognizes the dangerous reality we find ourselves in, and who is committed to remaining free and promoting human freedom, without regard to gender, race, nationality, disability, sexual preference, religion or spiritual belief. All members agree to this Constitution, our established Rules and our Code of Conduct / Ethics.

(b) Because we are building an intimate neighbourhood support group, members should be living in or very near the M4S area code. The idea is that in a SHTF situation, we can respond and work together to do some good.

(c) Members must be willing to abide by the rules of the MTFF as they evolve, and be willing to contribute to our mutual goals to the best of their abilities. Participation is key to success.

(d) Each member has a vote to determine what activities and what directions and priorities the group should pursue.

(e) New members must be vetted and agreed on by a majority of existing members.

(f) A member may decide to leave the group for any reason with no penalty or ill will.

(g) A member may be removed from the group for good reason by a majority vote, but the member has a right to be heard before a vote is taken.

Re entering the MTFF will require that a 2/3 majority agree.

(h) Not attending MTFF meetings or not participating in any way for an extended time without good reason may trigger a membership review and possible removal from the group to make place for a more committed member.

3. Management

As a group we believe that everyone is equal and that our group shall not have a typical “leader”. However, we understand that we can benefit from a simple management structure, and at times, someone should lead, because we all have different skills, abilities, time and resources, and by consent, we agree that any member can be elected to lead a discussion around a particular area of interest or skill-sets. (similar to a Chairperson position)

In order to facilitate group cohesion, and in furtherance of our MTFF goals:

(a) The Group will elect 3 willing and able members to serve as Committee Representatives for the group. A quorum in attendance is required for this election, and anonymous voting is allowed.

(b) The 3 Officers/Reps shall be: the Chairperson, the Treasurer and the Secretary. These positions can rotate or change for various reasons as decided at our meetings when there is a quorum.

(c) The Officers/Reps shall meet to discuss matters of importance at least 4 times a year.

(d) The quorum for the Officers/Reps meetings shall be all 3 members.

(e) When we agree to a particular area of discussion, or particular items for group discussion, the Chairperson shall ensure a satisfactory meeting where the topic is adequately covered and everyone has their say. Honest, Fair, Harmonious & Social are the over-riding principles in the MTFF, with “agree to disagree and move on” when there are differences in opinion. A big part of he Chair’s role should be to build on what unites us, encourage participation, and enable all to express their opinions as they wish.

(f) Voting at General meetings shall be by a show of hands, ballot or secret vote.

The Chair shall have a second vote if tied.

(g) The group may, by a two-thirds majority vote and for major reason, remove any member or Officer/Rep from their position - provided that person has a fair hearing and the right to be heard before a final decision is made.

(h) The Officers/Reps may appoint another member of the Group as an Officer to fill a vacancy and 2/3 of the group agrees.

4. Duties of the Officers/Reps

(a) The duties of the Chairperson(s) are to:

• chair meetings of the Committee and the Group and act as spokesperson if necessary.

• represent the Group at functions/meetings that the Group has been invited to.

• ensure that polite, respectful and inclusive discussions take place, and that everyone has an opportunity to adequately express themselves and vote accordingly.

(b) The duties of the Secretary are to:

• maintain our members list, deal with group correspondence if any, collect and circulate any relevant information within the Group, and when necessary, take/keep minutes of meetings.

• prepare the agenda for meetings of the Committee and/or the Group in consultation with the Chairperson and relevant others.

(c) The duties of the Treasurer are to:

• Keep account of and hold group cash or administer particular assets, collected for any reason, and keep account of all assets and monies collected, dispensed or paid out.

5. Finances

(a) Any money obtained by the Group shall be used only for the benefit of the Group.

(b) Any bank accounts opened for the Group shall be in the name of the Group or as agreed by the majority.

(c) Any cheques issued shall be signed or endorsed by the Treasurer and one other nominated official or as agreed by the majority.

6. Annual General Meeting

(a) The Group shall hold an Annual General Meeting (A.G.M.) in the month of ________. (to be decided)

(b) All members shall be given at least fourteen days’ notice of the A.G.M. and shall be entitled to attend and vote. The quorum for an AGM shall be 2/3 members.

(c) The business of the A.G.M. shall include:

(i) receiving a report from the Chairperson on the Group's activities over the year.

(ii) receiving a report from the Treasurer on the finances of the Group.

(iii) electing a new Officers/Reps and

(iv) considering any other matter as may be needed or decided.

7. Meetings

(a) General Meetings may be called by the Officers/Reps or by any member to discuss an urgent matter, or to conduct instructional, educational, preparedness or other activities beneficial to the groups agenda.

(b) Social meetings may be organized by anyone who can make something happen.

(c) Some meetings will incorporate both social and group business matters.

The Secretary shall give all members adequate notice of any Meeting together with notice of things s to be discussed. All members shall be entitled and encouraged to attend and vote when necessary.

8. Alterations to this Constitution

Any changes to this Constitution must be agreed by at least two-thirds of the members present and voting at any General Meeting with a quorum in attendance.

9. Dissolution

The Group may be wound up at any time if agreed by two-thirds of the members present and voting at any General Meeting with a quorum in attendance. In the event of winding up, any assets remaining after all debts have been paid shall be given to another Group with similar aims.

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