These are the qualities we each need to strive toward to accomplish our mission together:
A. To the best of our ability, we try to support groups, causes, businesses and organizations that support our freedom oriented cause. We boycott or try to wean ourselves from those that don't. (CBC, Tim Hortons etc. etc.)
B. To the best of our ability, we try to reduce and eliminate our interactions with the “globalist parasites” systems of tracking and control.
C. To the best of our ability, we try to use cash and metals or barter as much as possible.
D. To the best of our ability, at every opportunity, we try to speak up, and speak out, challenging the false narratives that are destroying society. We stand up and defend the truth.
E. To the best of our ability, we resolve to be as self reliant as possible, investing in items that we will need if a worst case scenario unfolds (water, food, medicines, small power gen, batteries, walkie talkies etc.) We do not want to be a liability to others in our group if we can possibly help it.
And, Adapted from Sylvain Henry’s Glorious & Free Parallel Society,
We’re constantly working on our:
1. Loyalty, Integrity, Honesty, Transparency, Accountability
2. Trustworthiness, Reliability, Good Intentions
3. Usefulness, Productivity, Growth
4. Adaptability, Flexibility, Foresight, Progress Minded
5. Ethics, Fairness, Equality, Sense of Justice
6. Reciprocity, do no harm, respect for other People, and All Life on Earth
7. Modesty, Kindness, Humility, Discretion
8. Focused Communications, Continuous Feedback, Collaboration
9. Truth Seeking, Critical Thinking, Open-Mindedness, Creativity
10. Courage, Compassion, Positive Voice and Ideas, Generosity
And (does this belong?),
We understand that fundamentally, we’re in a spiritual battle between good and evil.
We believe we have the Creator on our side, and therefore an added layer of protection.