Note, everything is a work in progress, nothing is written in stone, and everything is open to group agreed change.
We have a Common Understanding about the reality of the situation we
find ourselves in, and we all agree that we are living in
unprecedented times.
And as a group, we have come together in
good faith, to share knowledge, and to offer discussion and debate,
and even friendship and assistance in an environment of support and
We commit to consciously and methodically building our
various systems together and work our way toward exactly what we
We commit to at least one monthly physical meetup, and staying current / active with group communications, shared knowledge and events at .
The name of our Group shall be: The Midtown Freedom Friends (club)
The aims of the group shall be:
To be respectful, kind, understanding, helpful & honest with each other, and work together to solve issues and build community, loyalty and authentic trustworthy caring relationships.
To establish Emergency Plans (EP) in the event of a grid down situation or other catastrophe we may face.
To come together in good faith, on an ongoing basis, to share information, collaborate, revise and practice our Emergency Plans
To establish rules as needed and adjust our constitution as required
To develop skills, knowledge and materials for self-reliance, support alternate parallel systems with integrity, and participate in and support freedom culture.
We commit to consciously and methodically building our various systems together and work our way toward exactly what we want.
(a) Membership shall be open to any person committed to remaining free and promoting human freedom, without regard to gender, race, nationality, disability, sexual preference, religion or spiritual belief. Anyone who recognizes the benefits and value of what we’re trying to achieve and is prepared to make a commitment is welcome.
(b) Members vote to determine what directions and priorities the group should pursue.
(c) New members must be vetted and agreed on by a majority of existing members.
(d) A member may decide to leave the group for any reason with no penalty or ill will.
(e) A member may be removed from the group for good reason by a majority vote when a Quorum is present, but the member has a right to be heard before a vote is taken.
(f) Re-entering the group will require that a 2/3 majority agree.
(g) Not attending meetings or not participating without good reason may trigger a membership review and possible removal to make place for a more committed member.
(h) The Group may be wound up at any time if agreed by two-thirds of the members present and voting at any General Meeting with a quorum in attendance.
Duties of the Chair:
(a) The duties of the randomly-selected [by draw] voluntary Chairperson(s):
chair meetings of particular discussions and act as spokesperson if necessary.
represent the Group at functions/meetings.
ensure polite, respectful and inclusive discussions take place, and that everyone has an opportunity to adequately express themselves and vote accordingly.
We take our freedom friends club membership seriously and consciously strive to increase the value to all members.
All members agree to abide by our evolving Constitution, our Rules and Code of Ethics.
Members make a solemn promise to other members, to keep certain types of information strictly private and confidential as requested. This includes email, phone, address, picture, certain resources, skills and anything not agreed. A breach of these privacy rules could be reason for termination of membership.
We pledge to be kind, respectful, honest and decent with each other.
The group can decide to use any legitimate method of voting to decide any issue.
We agree to quickly sort out disagreements with each other and not let things fester and deteriorate. The group has a stake here as well. We apologize if necessary. We avoid conflict and we act in good faith with each other. We can always agree to disagree about something and return to our purpose together.
A Quorum consists of 2/3 of the group as it currently stands at any physical meeting.
While Wayne has voluntarily presented the "freedom friends" concept to other like minded individuals to get things started, until otherwise decided, other members agree to not disclose membership outside of the group.
We do not BCC each other when using email with this particular group, as we seek to create opportunities for interaction and transparency between members, not limit them. We also want to minimize situations where suspicion or mistrust could arise.
A. We support groups, causes, businesses and organizations that support our freedom oriented goals. We boycott or try to wean ourselves from those that don't. We stop helping build the prison by rejecting the offers of those that are acting against our interests, and promoting anti human agendas such as “climate change”, CRT, and sexual absurdity. We encourage others to do the same.
B. We discuss and debate multiple aspects of the issues we face, try to critically think things through to the truth. We value truth and real knowledge above all, and we strive to spread it in our everyday encounters. We speak up and speak out whenever we can, to try to wake-up and educate others, because a lack of knowledge is our worst enemy. We challenge false narratives where we find them. We resist and challenge and mock and ridicule fake news media and Big Tech at every opportunity.
C. We work on becoming more and more independent and self reliant and less and less compliant with anything tyranical. We pursue more resiliency and less reliance on corrupted systems that no longer serve us or civil society. We push back and find ways to do things differently. We support tried and true alternatives in medicine, media, food, education etc. We find joy in starving the beast.
D. We use cash and metals or barter as much as possible. We try to educate merchants and others about why cash matters & why CBDC, Digital ID, Vax Pass systems are a slavery we cannot allow.
E. We stand up for and defend the priceless value of human liberty whenever we can.
The Values We Value:
Loyalty, Integrity, Honesty, Transparency, Accountability
Trustworthiness, Reliability, Good Intentions
Usefulness, Productivity, Growth
Adaptability, Flexibility, Foresight, Progress Minded
Ethics, Fairness, Equality, Sense of Justice
Reciprocity, do no harm, respect for other People, and All Life on Earth
Modesty, Kindness, Humility, Discretion
Focused Communications, Continuous Feedback, Collaboration
Truth Seeking, Critical Thinking, Open-Mindedness, Creativity
Courage, Compassion, Positive Voice and Ideas, Generosity
(*** adapted from Sylvain Henry’s Glorious & Free Parallel Society)